The Media Message

Challenge Accepted

We have accepted Pastor Matt’s challenge to read the New Testament as a church family.  Beginning with the Gospel of Luke, we’re reading a chapter a day, five days a week.  Awesome!
If you are an auditory learner, you may prefer to hear the Bible read to you as you follow along or just listen.  The Church Media Library has the entire Bible on audio-cassettes and CD’s, ready for you to check out.  We also have cassette and CD players that you may use. Come by and let us help you with your reading style.

Cookbooks Still On Sale

BMBC cookbooks are still on sale in the library for $15.00.  We also have a few slightly damaged books for $5.00. 
We have and have had some great cooks in our church family.  Their recipes are a part of our church history.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share them with others.  Recipe books make great gifts!

Christian Library International

In November, the Church Media Library staff sent six boxes of books to Christian Library International in Raleigh.  This ministry was founded several years ago to get the Gospel behind prison bars.  Prisons are not allowed to accept donations from churches, but they can accept materials from libraries.  We donate duplicate copies of books and bibles to CLI.  Through our local missions fund, BMBC donates money for postage to help send these materials to prisons all over the world.  CLI also provides bible studies for the incarcerated.
“The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ ” Matt. 25: 40, NIV
Vol. II Published quarterly by BMBC Church Media Library Team. Winter, 2022
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